Monday, September 1, 2008

Yes, I am excited about Sarah Palin.

If you couldn't guess.

I've been disappointed (er, disgusted), however, by some comments I've found here and there in the Catholic blogosphere. Namely, that a mother of five has no business running for the vice presidency. And that, because her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant out of wedlock, Palin is a bad mother.

Elizabeth Foss, mother of nine, says it best to answer the first charge.

"I can't imagine being Vice President. I can't even imagine being the managing editor of a magazine, working from home, any more. And you know, I can't imagine running a lacemaking business from my home either. But Zelie Martin did. And she will be canonized a month from now. I can't imagine being a busy doctor while caring for several young children. But St. Gianna Molla did. I can't imagine starting a ministry with my husband, involving my children in it, and moving countless times as necessary to see it grow. But Sally Clarkson did."

And as to the second charge... Well, St. Monica had a son, I'm told, who was none too perfect. Children may look a bit like us, but their adult choices are their own. Not a mother out there can claim that, in eighteen years, her own daughter will be as chaste, patient, and pure of heart as she wishes them to be. We can all only ora et labora et ora et ora.

So, let's come to our collective Catholic senses. The choice for president hasn't changed; it just became more exciting.

UPDATE: I just came across this rather classy statement from Obama, asking for "hands off Bristol." Well done, sir.

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