Thursday, February 12, 2009

Small Success.

I'm jumping on the Faith and Family bandwagon, mostly because I've been having a hard time feeling much "success" lately. The things that do "go right" seem to do so more because of some divine intercession than my own effort. But it is funny to think back over the week and wonder, "What did I get done?" The list looks a lot different today than it did antefilia...

1. I ran on both Saturday and Sunday and Monday. In shorts. For over 30 minutes each time.

2. Scientist Dad and I had a date! Red curry salmon for me. Teriyaki salmon for him. (It was Friday.)

3. Miriam and I finished digging two garden beds in the front lawn. We also transferred some poor crocus bulbs from under an imposing box bush to a sunnier clime beneath the mailbox.


  1. I'm celebrating exercising this week, too.

    Date nights are wonderful...

    God bless!

  2. Oh, how I envy you your spring-like successes! Shorts, bulbs, crocuses...c'mon spring! Northern Ohio is a very cold place!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh, man, now I'm tempted to despair... I don't think I even have small successes... although, I did clean my laundry room...

  4. Hello! You threw your daughter an awesome birthday party! That counts for two...
