Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 25, Annunciation

Fiat. Serviat. Magnificat.

This Annunciation is by John Collier--an interesting take.


  1. Wow. I've never seen this one before! Interessante!

  2. Very interesting indeed. I rather like it. After all all the medieval and renaissance paintings show Mary dressed in medieval or renaissance garb. Why not in a jumper dress and saddle shoes in the midst of suburbia. I love the lily as a potted plant on the doorstep! Curious that it throws a shadow on the angel's robe. The angel feels very solid.

  3. And surely she is reading from Isaiah!!

  4. Actually, she is reading from Isaiah! I was surprised I liked this one--I'm not usually fond of modern Mary's. But this painting seems reverent and different at the same time. Some of his other stuff was good, too.
