Monday, August 3, 2009


This little snippet documents the process of candle-making used by one particular (and probably many other) Orthodox monastery--many thanks to Evlogia. The more inane our Sunday Mass music becomes, the more I wish I had been born in the East. But, in God's own wisdom, I am a Novus Ordo woman: I can only gaze on my sister's beauty and anticipate our one-ness in eternity.

I have beautiful memories of using almost the same technique as a child: One homeschooling project was to make candles "like a Colonial girl." The smell is still with me.


  1. "The more inane our Sunday Mass music becomes, the more I wish I had been born in the East. But, in God's own wisdom, I am a Novus Ordo woman: I can only gaze on my sister's beauty and anticipate our one-ness in eternity."

    Thank you, I've been trying to put into words the feelings I've had recently reading Katherine's blog, sometimes bordering on jealousy. You said it so very well. And I can only repeat our beloved late Holy Father's fervent prayer that one day the Church may once again "breathe with both lungs."

  2. I perhaps shall simply keep silent
