Monday, October 5, 2009

All six.

So, you may (or may not) wonder how it's going here in preggersville.

The good news is: 1) the baby is still fine and happily sucking away in the womb; 2) the girls love living at my parents' house; 3) my mother is surviving a new shot at stay-at-home-mommyhood.

And I am 9 weeks and 1 day along. This is no sprint to the finish, though. I've been sick now for about 5 weeks, and if Isabella's gestation was any precedent, have about 9 more weeks of this to go. I move like an 85-year-old and eat like the pickiest 4-year-old. I've lost about 12 pounds so far--though on bad days it's more like 15 because of dehydration. Today's a good day, so I think I'll eat a popsicle!

Deep thoughts have included, "Wow. Dorothy Sayers was a genius," "St. ________ (fillintheblank), pray for us!" and "One day at a time." Sometimes I hum Johnny Cash, "And it burns, burns, buuurrnnssss, that ring of fi-yer!"

One deep blessing this weekend: My home parish church--St. Matthew/Holy Trinity--offered the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick at the Saturday evening Mass. My dad, dear and glorious physician that he is, took me along. I realized that now I have received all six sacraments for which I'm eligible at this one little church building: Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Confession, Holy Matrimony, and this Anointing. Such a humble little building, with such banal and offensive music, and one of my favorite crucifixes.... and so much grace. God does not withhold any blessing from our lives.

In spite of emptiness, the good Lord visited my heart on Saturday: "My yoke is easy, my burden is light." Whatever that means, it is good. I'll think about it later, and just love it right now.


  1. Ugh, I am so sorry for you. Glad you are receiving some encouragement. These weeks can be so long, praying for you! (I am about 17 weeks, beginning to see some light).

  2. There is light! It is good to know you're getting there. :)

  3. And may it continue to be light and easy....

    At least you've got Dorothy Sayers to keep you company. That's good company to keep.

    I've had all six sacraments too. Though not all in the same church.

    Praying still. Thanks for the updates.

  4. Congratulations on the blessing of another baby :) We'll be praying for you!

  5. Would you be able to post a photo of that crucifix?

    That is something not too many Americans can say, "I realized that now I have received all six sacraments for which I'm eligible at this one little church building: Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Confession, Holy Matrimony, and this Anointing."

    We tend to move around too often.

    I hope you get some healthy relief soon.

  6. Lola, I'll try and find one of the crucifix around here. It may take a while, though--I move kind of slowly!

  7. Yes, it is often an act of faith and hope to rest in Christ's assurance that our burdens are light, etc. I don't know what he means, but I trust in Him.
