Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Modeling Mary

"You are the highest honor of our race." ~Judith 13:18

Mary looks a little bored here, but I'm sure it's just the usual "pious expression." I wondered at Mass today what we would look like if we all walked around free from original sin. I hardly think our expressions would be this sort of "ho-hum, there are angels floating around me" or "tra-la-la, I'm having a beatific vision."

I rather think we'd look like a seven-month old's alert expression: "WOW! This is GREAT! There's my DAD AGAIN! Blagoooh!" or the 2-year-old's: "I love you, too much, my Mommy." And we'd be laughing. Then there's the 5-year-old's: "Do you see that sunset, Mommy? It's the most beautiful sunset I've seen since yesterday!"

Yes, I think the Immaculate Conception would be closer to these children than the dyspeptic lady in the pictures...


Melanie Bettinelli said...

I agree!!!

Joyous feat to you and your family.

Jennifer said...

"Do you see that sunset, Mommy? It's the most beautiful sunset I've seen since yesterday!"

I love that!