Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Dead Poets Month: Joy Davidman.

We have snow, so casual, lovely, for Thanksgiving. I can only think of this poem, by the woman who would later be famous for marrying CS Lewis. A formidable poet in her own right.

Snow in Madrid

Softly, so casual,
Lovely, so light, so light,
The cruel sky lets fall
Something one does not fight.
How tenderly to crown
The brutal year
The clouds send something down
That one need not fear.
Men before perishing
See with unwounded eye
For once a gentle thing
Fall from the sky.


  1. I love this poem Erika :)
    I'm thankful to be considered a friend by you and your family.
    Thanksgiving in Georgia is warm: shoes without socks, shirts without sweaters.

    Love you lots!

  2. A beautiful poem. That "for once" is chilling. It speaks so loudly of the terror of living under threat of falling bombs.
