Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Through the Year with Padre Pio.

St. Padre Pio became one of my very dearest friends last year--he battled for me when I was too exhausted or depressed to even pray. If you buy me a coffee, I'll tell you the whole story.

So I jumped at the chance to review Through the Year with Padre Pio, a collection of his letters and sayings edited by Patricia Treece. This book is so sweet: for every day of the year, there is a brief excerpt from Padre, followed by a parallel Scripture passage. It's simple, gentle material for lectio divina and a great companion to the Divine Office.

The prevailing popular impression of the Padre is one of a cranky, crotchety old gheezer who yelled at women in the confessional. There are grounds for that impression (although, don't you think that even church ladies ought to be yelled at once in a while?). But the overwhelming written evidence is of a man filled with mirth, gentleness, wisdom, and peace. After spending several weeks with him, day by day, you will be chastised but happier.

This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company, and the reviewer received a free copy of the text in exchange for her opinion. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Through the Year with Padre Pio. They also have some beautiful Advent wreaths!


  1. I absolutely love the Padre...but yes, his reputation does have a polarizing effect. People either love him...or not. :) I haven't seen this book yet though, so better get it on my Amazon wish list.

  2. Recently on bad days, I go to the bookstore in the basement of church, open up to a random page in this book and read a passage. He always sets me straight...I should probably buy the book. :)

  3. can't wait to buy you a cup of coffee :)

  4. Ever since a complete stranger handed me a framed portrait of Padre Puo after daily mass I've felt like this saint has inexplicably chosen my family. Yet I know next to nothing about him. Maybe I should add this book to my reading pile?

  5. Padre and I go way 1998 to be precise. I went to Italy on a Padre Pio pilgrimage and never looked back. He saved my life once. Really. (I'll have to tell you that story sometime.) He's definitely the saint to which I have the greatest devotion. Love him.

  6. Caro,

    Maybe we can each buy each other a coffee and tell our stories...
