Saturday, April 21, 2012

Quo vadis, mater?

There's a Big Project brewing here in the Philosophical Arena, and it has displaced the time for writing in this space.

Regina Caeli Academy is coming to the Nutmeg State this fall, and there are many brave families putting their hearts on the line to make it happen. The academy is a homeschool assistance program that meets twice per week and has already enjoyed growth and joy in Georgia--now it's expanding!

This is a great program--it combines the joys and strengths of the classroom with a rigorous home education. Moms and dads get to teach, enjoy the friendship and company of others adults with the same heart for the Church. Their children have the opportunity form deep friendships in a deeply faithful culture and receive the very best tutelage in the challenging Mother of Divine Grace curriculum.

I have seen this model bear great fruit in many families, parishes, and individuals. It only happens because of their utter devotion and fidelity to Jesus Christ, as He is known most fully through the Holy Father, the Magisterium, and the Holy Scriptures.

Please pray for this new adventure--which is both very philosophical and terrifyingly practical! 

Heart, mind, and body. Amen.

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