Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Oh, blawg: A mourning.

February breaks and I realize that January was death to writing. Pregnancy demands (almost) daily naps, which take up my writing time. The three little women, one of whom is learning to live without diapers, work very hard to give me rest, but only in those brief moments between snacking, pooping, reading, schooling, and general household drama. And then, of course, I like spending time with my husband. Regina Caeli Academy takes the rest.


oh, blawg.

So, the Philosopher Mom has been quiet. And will probably continue in quiet in the months to come. I hope to return to regular writing here one day--it really is rest and recovery time.

Perhaps a Lenten discipline? Along with the Lenten reading?

Can I share my dream? Last year, the Scientist Dad and I read through a selection of the Early Church Fathers for the 40 days of Lent. I would love, love to compile the

40 Days of Edith Stein
40 Days of Benedict XVI
40 Days of Carmelite Mystics
40 Days of Dominican Spirituality

After I re-write and update the entire Fr. Laux series.

After we populate the world with little philosophers and scientists and preachers.

And after my much-needed afternoon nap.

Ave atque vale!

(Oh, and Anne Morrow Lindbergh had a live-in nanny.)


Liz said...

Dude. Do it! :-D

LPatter said...

I am still waiting for my fairy tales post. Holding out, that is ;)

Rest up and a blessed start to Lent for you!